The Sons of the American Revolution created the SAR Patriot Research System (PRS). The PRS is an online database to help in assisting with the SAR membership process. There are several ways to use the PRS in research.
1. You can search by Patriot using their name, state of service, and other criteria. 2. If you know a member, either current or past, of the SAR, then you can search for them. 3. You can perform a Descendant search. This is a person whom is between a member and the Patriot in the member's lineage. 4. You can search through the biographies that have been submitted. 5. A search through the cemetery records can be performed using a cemetery number, name or other criteria.
Please keep in mind that the PRS is a work in progress and takes a large number of volunteers to both update records and review/publish them.
This is a tutorial on how to use the SAR Patriot Research System to aid in your mapping of Patriot graves in your area. More information on the Patriot Research System can be found at Https://
Thank you to North Carolina volunteer David Bamford for this tutorial.