Mississippi Society, Sons of the American Revolution

Approved by: National Color Guard Committee

2005 - John Taylor, Jr
2010 - Gerry Brent
2017 - Bill Horne
            Michael Schenk
2018 - Julius Hite
2022 - Bryant R Boswell
            Erik Norman

Presented by: State Society President or

                           Chapter President

MS SAR Recipients

Gold NSSAR Color Guard Medal

Approved by: State, District, or National CG Commander

Presented by: : District Vice President General, State President, or by the District or State Color Guard Commander (as appropriate). Under special circumstances, the President General or the National Color Guard Commander may present this award.                          

MS SAR Recipients

Presented by: State Society President or State CG Commander
                            District VPG or District CG Commander                         

Summary: Three (3) years service at District or National level.

                     May be retroactive.

                     Awarded only once.

                     Application required.
                     Must have received the Bronze Color Guard Medal

Medals and Awards for Color Guard Participation

The Von Steuben Medal for Sustained Achievement in the NSSAR Color Guard

Summary: Awarded for sustained service to the Society as a Color

                           Guardsman at the National or District Levels

                    Awarded only once.

                    Must have received the Bronze Color Guard Medal

                    Must have received the silver Color Guard Medal

Summary: National service. (3 years) 

                    Awarded only once.

                    Must have received the Bronze Color Guard Medal

                    Must have received the silver Color Guard Medal

Approved by: State Medals & Awards Committee                                State Color Guard Commander

Approved by: State or District, AND National CG Commander

MS SAR Recipients

Summary: Three (3) years service at Chapter and/or State level.

                     May be retroactive.

                     Awarded only once.

Qualifications: 1. Must serve at least 5 years after the date of

                                 application for Silver Colorguard medal was


                             2. must participate in at least twenty-five (25)

                                 National and/or District Color Guard events.

NOTE 1:  The 5 years do not need to be continuous and may take longer than 5 years. However, The Colorguardsman may not be awarded the National Von Steuben Medal earlier than five years after the date his application for the Silver Color Guard Medal was approved.

NOTE 2: The same events that count toward earning the Silver Color Guard Medal shall also count toward earning the National Von Steuben Medal. (

Bronze NSSAR Color Guard Medal

Presented by: National Society                          

2012 - John Taylor, Jr
2015 - Gerry Brent

Silver NSSAR Color Guard Medal

The MS SAR will use the Events System to award Color Guard Medals.
To earn a SAR Bronze Color Guard Medal, a Color Guardsman must participate in
at least 50% of the scheduled Color Guard activities for his State and/or Chapter
in each of three years, which do not need to be continuous. A year shall be any
period of twelve consecutive months. Subsequent presentations and oak leaf
clusters are not authorized.
NSSAR Official Handbook, Volume V, p. 29

Qualifications: Events System.

                   Must participate in at least 50% of the    

                   scheduled State and/or Chapter events in each

                   of three (3) years (does not have to be consecutive).

Qualifications: May be presented for the following reasons

            1. Elected SAR Color Guardsman of the Year
            2. Serve as Vice Commander (1 year) and National

                Commander (2 years) OR National Commander (3 years)

Qualifications: Events System.

                         Must participate in at least three (3) District

                         and/or National events in each of three (3) years.

                        (does not have to be consecutive).

MS SAR Recipients