Silver Roger Sherman Medal
in Recognition of Significant Service to the SAR
Keith Goodfellow John McBride Ron Humphrey
State Meritorious Service Medal
for long, faithful, and meritorious service to the MSSAR is a onetime award.
Tommy Thompson for service to chapter and state society, his advisory role to the state president, and brave example in his struggle for survival during the epidemic.
Lafayette Volunteer Service Award
for 40 hours of Volunteer work at NSSAR headquarters or as assigned by approving authority.
Charles Garrison for 47 hours of volunteer work on the Patriot Research System.
Lafayette Volunteer Service Award
Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster
for 40 hours of Volunteer work at NSSAR headquarters or as assigned by approving authority.
Ron Humphrey for 90 hours of volunteer work on the Patriot Research System.
Silver Roger Sherman Medal
Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster
Jerry Lilly
2021 MS SAR
Annual Business Meeting & Convention
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Bronze Good Citizenship Medal
Tony Dardeaux ----for service to genealogy and state history
Chad Coutch --------for his service to his education of the next generation
Mike Tischer -------- for his service to youth through Scouts
Jerry Molaison -- for his service to education of the next generation and to youth sports
Stephen Haller -- for community outreach to veterans and other lineage societies
Keith Goodfellow -- for community service to medicine and his fellow practitioners.
Military Service Medal
(approved by the
NSSAR Veterans Recognition Committee)
Ron Humphrey -for Honorable service in the U.S. Navy
State Distinguished Service Medal
approved by the state president at his discretion.
It is a onetime award:
Ben Jones for service to state president, advisory to his chapter, chair Constitution and Bylaws Committee and Long-Range Planning Committee, for executing the Executive Committee Meeting under strict COVID standards, and using his media and government knowledge for MS SAR.
War Service Medal for Vietnam
approved by NSSAR for proof of Service in War against a Common Enemy
Bob Cox --for service in the U.S. Marine Corps
SAR Medal of Appreciation
Darla Goodfellow
Mississippi Society, Sons of the American Revolution