Mississippi Society, Sons of the American Revolution
Dwight Johnson
Dennis M. Brown
Billy Wade Hardy
Charles E. Holland
Herbert Larry Jolly
Compatriot Medals and Awards
War Service Medal
Isiah Edwards Jr. – with Vietnam Service Bar
Phillip R. Fisher – with Global War on Terrorism & Afghanistan Service Bars
Stephen Eric Haller – with Vietnam Service Bar
Foster Harris Day – with Vietnam Service Bar
Robert B. Smith – with Iraq Service Bar
Judge Glen H. Davis – with Vietnam Service Bar
Judge Thomas Fred Wicker – with WWII Service Bar
Bronze Color GuardMedal
Bryant Ridgway Boswell Erik Antony Norman
State Meritorious Service Medal
for long, faithful, and meritorious service to the MSSAR is a onetime award.
Robert Shelton Cox
Gail Hercules
Regent, David Reese Chapter
Medals presented to Ladies on behalf of the SAR
Lydia Darragh Medal
Darla Goodfellow
Daughter of Liberty Medal
Constance Lilly
Bronze Good Citizenship Medal
Silver Good Citizenship Medal
Donald Busbee Hall Mike Bunn
Molly Pitcher Medal
Jill Taylor Sandy Brent
William Joseph Horne
John Raymond Taylor
Bryant Ridgway Boswell
William Ronald Humphrey II
Martha Washington Medal
Barbara Cox Mimi Lilly
Jack M. Smith
James C. Harris
Ernest B. Haney
Roger F. Wicker
James K. Wicker
2022 MS SAR
Annual Business Meeting & Convention
March 25-26, 2021
Jerry Lilly
John Price
Lynn Herron
Buddy Irving
Silver Roger Sherman Medal
John Franklin Fulwider Ben Block Jones
Silver Good Citizenship Medal
Dorothy Herron
Bronze Sestercentennial Recognition Medal
Patriot Medal
the state society’s highest award and can be received only once.
Lawrence Alan Hellums
Bronze Good Citizenship Medal
David Hart Robinson
Laurie Daltroff Triplettte
2nd Vice Regent, David Reese Chapter
MSSDAR 2nd Vice Regent
Outstanding Young Member Medal
John William Price
Medal of Appreciation Medal
Diane Norman Hellen Hicks Polk Nita Thompson
Michael Schenk
Tommy Thompson
Erik Antony Norman
John Sentell McBride
Donald Busbee Hall
Andrew Melvin Jones
Elba Anthony Dardeau, Jr.
RADM Thomas Gerald Lilly
State Distinguished Service Medal
approved by the state president at his discretion.
It is a one time award:
Herbert Larry Jolly
Lafayette Volunteer Service Award
Oak Leaf Clusters
William Ronald Humphrey II - for 737 hours of volunteer work on the Patriot Research System.