Mississippi Society, Sons of the American Revolution
Each District Director has a copy of the power point presentation, created by Gerry Brent, on how a Chapter needs to function. Carrying out these presentations to each Chapter is in the job description of the District Director.
The MS SAR By-Laws state that the 1st Vice President “shall be responsible for the planning, coordination and execution of the Annual Convention”. This committee was created to assist in this endeavor. Also, this committee is charged with creating a long-range plan for future annual meeting locations.
All medals and awards, except those so designated to come at the pleasure of the President, will be determined by the Medals and Awards Committee. This committee will be made up of the three District Directors and two members chosen by the President. The District Directors will work in conjunction with Chapter Presidents to offer candidates to the Committee.
The MS SAR By-Laws state that the 2nd Vice President “shall be responsible for planning, coordinating, and executing an Annual Membership Drive for the society”. Any Society needs new and innovative ideas on how to recruit and maintain members. Three Chapter Presidents, one from each District, will assistthe 2nd Vice President.
Long Range Planning Committee
ADMINISTRATIVE COMMTTEES are those committees which deal directly with Society membersihp.
The Newsletter Editor position is a demanding position. As the communication of the MS SAR moves toward electronic means, the Newsletter could fall totally within the Website and under the Webmaster. Printing and delivery of the Newsletter for those unable to obtain it by electronic means could fall to that member’s Chapter. The Newsletter Committee will consist of the Webmaster/Editor and the Chapter Presidents providing articles/pictures.
Administrative Committees
Chapter Training Committee
The MS SAR Nominating Committee will have five members – three past presidents and two members at large. The slate of officers for 2021-2022 will be introduced to the EXCOMM in September, 2020. Discussion will be held between September and January. Endorsing, and passage to the General Assembly for approval, will be held at the January, 2021 EXCOMM meeting.
The MS SAR By-Laws are in need of review and updating. This committee will present proposed By-Law changes at the September, 2020 EXCOMM meeting for review. Discussion will be held between September and January. Endorsing, and passage to the General Assembly for approval, will be held at the January, 2021 EXCOMM meeting.
Medals and Awards Committee